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The road to Maktau - November 16

Kathy Moore & Bev Hooper

The camp this morning was a wee bit damp after last night's rains so we pulled out a little later than usual. The remaining low-lying clouds made it a comfortable walking temperature, and we started our trek out of camp.

We reached the tarmac road and walked along until we met our next four walkers (Rory and Georgia and Jim and Laura), living in Kenya but former residents of the UK. After the camels were packed up with our newcomer’s gear, we continued along the side of the road and railway.

We saw some zebra (which Barabara was calling “brown zebra”, but really it is still the red soil here turning their coats the same rich hue), a few wildebeest, a hartabeest, and a couple of dik diks (as you rarely see one without another).

Our youngest walker, Robin, rode our gentle riding camel Bogo after our snack break, giving his feet a much needed break (his, not Bogo’s!)

We were scattered with several showers, putting our rain coats on then off, for most of the day, until we arrived in a beautiful spot, on the side of the road, on our way to Maktau.

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