With just three more days until we cross the finish line, the energy in camp and while walking today was palpable. We continued our walk through small villages and farmland, admiring the lush vegetation and beautiful scenery along the way. Cloudy skies mostly prevailed, with sunny skies making an appearance later in the day. Humidity was high again, and with an early morning temperature of 31 degrees and a high of 36, the area appeared to be steaming!
We walked 15 km today, taking a busier route than first planned, leading us through villages that were very excited to see and greet our camel train. Many villagers rushed to greet us, at times making our progress a bit slow as they lined the road and rushed for pictures. Our drovers, of course, ensured we could continue by moving back the crowds when necessary. We were soon on our way to calmer areas.
Skye (aged 12) astutely advised her dad that we had just passed a bar where she was sure we could find a cold beer. Thank you, Skye! Andy quickly glanced at Bev and Kathy, who wasted no time in joining Andy, breaking from the group to “investigate”. Sure enough a bar with a fridge with cold beer inside! If you have been following the blog, you will have seen our musings of how amazing a cold drink of any kind is out here. With temperatures so hot these last few days, it is literally a taste of heaven! Andy quickly ordered three…as we sat there, we suddenly realized that the bar was right beside the police station for the area. Andy then looked up, reading the sign inside and realized that we were sitting in the police canteen - but hey, a cold beer is a cold beer! Funny, the only place in town with cold beer was the police canteen! We quickly finished our drinks and then hurried out to rejoin the group - the best 7-minute beer we’d ever had!!

We arrived and set up camp just in time as a huge thunderstorm rolled in and let loose a deluge of rain. We are awaiting the arrival of John, Amanda, Tania, and Emma tomorrow, who will be with us as we reach the coast.