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Into Lumo Conservancy we go - November 18

Kathy Moore & Bev Hooper

This morning, we followed along the fence line, walking next to the park, heading towards Lumo Conservancy. Last night by the fire we found three scorpions crawling towards the light…add those to the count, which has got to be close to 20 by now.

Never missing an opportunity, as we passed last night's many rain puddles, there was plenty of opportunities for “the boys” to wash.

As we entered into Lumo, a man rode up on a piki piki (motorcycle) to have a look at the parade of camels coming his way. It was noticed that he carried a white sack on the front of his bike, and the drovers headed over quickly. It was ghat they were after, a plant that they chew, its stems being the favourite. This plant “makes you awake, makes you tell stories, and makes you have a clear mind”.

Fresh Ghat!

Lumo Conservancy is beautiful, green and lush after all the rains, an animal’s dream really. It wasn’t long before giraffe, impala, and zebra were spotted in the trees. We took our break at a beautiful spot beside a damn (which we would call a pond in Canada). It was so nice that we decided to camp there and have an earlier afternoon to explore and/or relax. For the most part, the sun is out again, our laundry is hanging to dry already, and people’s spirits are high.

Tomorrow we will say goodbye to our four companions from England, as they head back to their jobs in Nairobi and spend a much-needed rest day here. I’m sure our friends the camels will enjoy grazing in this green paradise too.

Up to date, here are some stats and fun facts:

  • The team have been on walk-about for 61 days.

  • They have travelled 838.72km.

  • They have walked through Nakuru, Narok, Kajiado, and Taita-Taveta counties.

  • They have passed through old World War 1 battlefields.

  • They have walked under the shadows of Mount Kilimanjaro, alongside the Chyulu range, over Eburu, circumnavigated Mt Suswa, trekked Mt Oloorgesalie and saw the North Pare Mountains.

  • Walked through many riverbeds and crossed a fair few too (some dry and some rather wet!)

  • They have met some incredible people, seen some remarkable locations and been off the beaten path!

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