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November 1 - A letter From the Chief

Kathy Moore & Bev Hooper

Our last two days have been spent in a camp near a small village called Iltalul. Time to recharge and rehydrate as well as spend time in the village. When we first reached Iltalul, we were waiting for a final letter from Kenya Wildlife Services granting us permission to enter the park with the camels. A few days earlier, we had received a communication that all should be fine. Well, sadly, the final message was relayed advising us that camels were not permitted in the park. We were all a little disappointed, but such is life on safari where every day can present new challenges. We stayed an extra day in camp, revisiting maps and talking with the local Chief and his staff planning our revised route. All decided that a letter from the Chief would suffice to get us through the next couple of days and ensure our safe and undisturbed passage.

Rory, Bev and Kathy spent the extra day in Tsavo West and visited Mzima Springs - beautiful!! We had a wonderful day viewing wildlife and ended our excursion with a cold beer at Serena Lodge. It’s impossible to describe in words the feeling of a cold drink now. It’s hot here, each day approximately 35-37 degrees, and our water, soda and beer (if we are able to find any) aren’t much cooler!! It’s not like you can find an operating fridge out here!!

Early this morning the Chief arrived and provided us with the necessary letter and we were off!!

Letter from the Chief

We left today just as a huge bull elephant with massive tusks strolled past our camp. So surreal to be eating your breakfast watching such an amazing animal walk past.

We are now camped about 100 meters from the Tsavo Park boundary. There are no fences so we are hoping to see even more wildlife this afternoon. So far a large troop of baboons and impala have been spotted with porcupine dens not far away.

As we walked today the vegetation changed with palm trees now appearing between the acacias, many of them bursting with fresh green foliage much to the camels delight. Signs that rain has recently arrived in this area. We have seen a few light showers but no measurable amounts so far.

Addendum: porcupine dens were hyena dens but there was evidence of an iilfated porcupine!

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