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The adventure continues..

Kathy Moore & Bev Hooper

A praying mantis perched and layed her eggs on Kathy’s tent pole during the night. She didn’t seem happy to be removed or to be separated from her eggs, but pack-up had to begin.

It wasn’t long before we were walking with giraffes and gerenuks again.

Temperatures soared to 36 degrees and the walkers put their heads down and trudged on, through black cotton soil, to rich red.

A shout out to the Lion Guardians Camp, where we have pitched our tents for the next two nights.

The camels are now being treated for saddle sores and will get a day off tomorrow, will have an abundance of green to graze on, and another drink at a watering hole.

Lily and Hugh will sadly be leaving us tomorrow, but today to finish off, Lily rode Bogo, and also soaked her feet in a bowel of camel pee, to treat a blister and also, she just wanted to.

The blog will also take a days rest, and will return after Tuesday’s adventure.

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